Outrageous,4 kids air jordans. Hilarious,5.
Remarkable, and6. Secret.It would seem that these six elements are the same elements that generate the contagious spread of information - Viral marketing air jordan 9. In order for something to become viral, people must talk about it, ergo word-of-mouth.
But people can talk and spread the word of a video or stunt without ever generating much talk about the product Nike High Heels . The famous, or infamous, Oprah Winfrey-General Motors audience car give-away stunt is a prime example of generating talk about a stunt without generating much talk about the product.
If as Balter suggest, word-of-mouth is 'product story-telling,' then there is definitely a difference between Buzz and Word-of-Mouth air jordan 13.So if Buzz is the tactic for drawing attention to your company; and Viral is the method of spreading the message; and Word-of-Mouth is the result; we then have a clear distinction between the three marketing terms.
The question is how can we construct a Web-based marketing campaign that uses the Buzz tactic, Viral method, and Word-of-Mouth message to produce the ultimate marketing objective: more sales and profits; and are Huges' Six Elements of Buzz the only media attributes that deliver a marketing stirSolve The Marketing Mystery: Discover Means + Motive + OpportunityWe've all watched enough 'Law and Orders' on television to know that solving a mystery requires learning the means, motive and opportunity of the puzzle. For today's marketers these elements are clear.Motive: to attract attention, breed interest, stimulate desire, and generate action that ultimately produces increased sales and profits.Means: the advent of relatively low cost desktop digital video tools and the creation of a new class of professional multimedia Web-video producers brings affordable multimedia creative to businesses that in the past could not afford professional video content.Opportunity: the penetration of high-speed Internet connections plus the Web's ability to delivery multimedia audio and video combined with the introduction of Web-video search databases by dominant Internet players like Google and YouTube create the necessary opportunity.Why Web-Video Solves the Buzz-Viral-Word-of-Mouth Mystery1. The 5 Strategic Goals of Marketing2. The Anthropomorphization of Brands3. Maslow's Extended Hierarchy of Needs4. The 5 Elements of CommunicationThe 5 Strategic Goals of MarketingIncreased sales and profits is every company's prime motive, however, in order to achieve those goals, certain intermediate objectives must be met, especially as it concerns the Web that by its nature is a sterile, remote environment. Marketing campaigns should be constructed to provide the appropriate audiences with five essential elements:a. Awarenessb. Emotional Utilityc. Functional Utilityd. Process Facilitye. ConfidenceTarget audiences must be made aware of the company's existence and must be made to comprehend its relevance to their needs; and market audiences must be provided with a platform to participate or get involved with the company.A successful marketing campaign must tap into an audience's need for emotional utility, a quality created in the audience's collective consciousness from brand personality resulting from corporate behavior and audience experience.The campaign must also be able to speak to the functional utility of the company's products or services. Hard information and easily understood instructions must be made available so that customers are actually able to generate the promised benefits of the product or service.The campaign must facilitate the process of moving potential customers easily and conveniently from awareness, to utility, to incentive, to sale. The process must be transparent and mechanisms must be put in place to accommodate customers when things go wrong.The campaign must also create confidence in the organization's ability to deliver the promised benefits both emotional and functional.The Anthropomorphization of BrandsMore marketers are beginning to appreciate the effect of brand personality on their relationships with customers and prospects. It is apparent that markets have a clear idea as to a brand's personality, whether a company pays attention to it or not. And just as significantly, it is clear that companies can't just change their television commercials or advertising agency to overcome an unwanted or undesirable personality.Brand personality is a function of audience experience: everything from the way you respond to telephone
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