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Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Importance Of Networking In Recruitment And Job Hunting - nike dunks for sale

Social networking has become a highly popular worldwide phenomenon with some big brands like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn boasting millions of dedicated users nike high heels. When it comes to hiring, however, personal contacts still tend to deliver more motivated applicants who are more likely to complete the application process.

Despite the fact that social networking is so huge, there is a singular lack of awareness about how to network in a suitable manner with respect to one's profession/business Luxe boots . This comes from the obvious dangers of networking with unfamiliar people and hence, people apply a cautionary stance.

But networking online, if not done properly and with caution, will often lead you to the wrong end results luxe boots sale. Hence, it is very important to join the right kind of networking groups or websites.

The job growth rate and available talent pool in India are among the highest in the world, but comparatively, networking is in its infancy in India nike dunks for sale. Some estimates suggest that India churns out approximately 3.

5 million graduates every year, a majority of them below the age of 30. Of the country's 400 million workforce, only 19 million are in the organized sector, and an estimated 145 million are in the youth labor force. In the next four years, 25 percent of the world's workers will be Indian, and 300 million youth are predicted to enter the labor force by 2025. Because social networking is a largely youth-related phenomenon, especially in India, it is a widely leveraged tool for youth entering the job market. However, according to a recent study, one of the major drawbacks facing the use of personal networking in India is the lack of basic communication skills. India's education system promotes a general emphasis on discipline/classroom environment and rote learning instead of debate, dialogue and analysis. This leads to a lack of the necessary soft skills and prevents the very constructive mechanism of two-way communication that is crucial in networking. However, at the end of the day, it is the job seeker who must realize that in today's competitive environment, merely graduating from college does not ensure being offered a job. Graduates must actively seek means of developing skills, networking and being visible within a community of influence.More than 30 percent of the employees being hired in private organizations come through employee referralsthe highest from any one particular source. Other things being equal, employers refer referrals to other means of hiring because it gives them the opportunity to invest in, and benefit from, their employee's personal relationships. Information that is unstructured, sensitive and difficult to broadcast, which both the employers and the job seekers usually seek, is best exchanged through personal networks. Studies have shown that the positive effects of employee referrals on hiring chances have enhanced the role of networking in the hiring process. In the last decade, popular Internet networking sites have poured into the recruitment space and are used by RPO companies. These niche networking websites help companies leverage the networks of their employees; they also help companies unearth passive candidates. The networking sites are a good medium to find contacts from your current and prior employers, clients, vendors and schools. There are various types of networking groups for jobs in India, such as LinkedIn, the alumni associations of the NIT/IIT/IIM institutions and other alumni associations of graduate finishing schools, and associations like Nasscom/NIPM/NHRD/TiE. Popular Internet networking groups include sites like Facebook, MySpace and Yahoo!Hiring generally starts with an employer reaching out to potential employees. Personal networking plays a key role in attracting people who otherwise would not have applied. The tendency of personal contacts to attract qualified candidates is contingent on a reputation factor. When a referrer is known by the employer, the candidate is usually a good match, as the referrer is putting his/her own reputation at risk to recommend the candidate.One of the major mistakes committed when networking is not acting on the network. The network is always live and better if most of its participants contribute regularly. The very essence or success of a social networking initiative lies in its members' networking ability, which leads to newer/better initiatives and thought processes. While it is easy to get, and objectively verify, low bandwidth in

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